Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finally Finding Asiatic Clams!

On our first class field trip - to Turkey Run - we learned from Jim Egenrieder that the Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) is an invasive species that has become common in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Since then, my daughters have wanted to investigate the filtering capacity of these small mollusks for a science project, and finding them has become a family preoccupation. We are now happily in possession of several dozen clams. Huge thank you's to Jim for finding and delivering clams to us - and to Aaron, Morlai, and Luz for recommending Bull Run as a collection place.

Julie finds a clam!
Clams were abundant in the gravelly, pebbly stream bed.
Bull Run near Rt. 28 (Centerville Rd) overpass.

Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System

This website describes NOAA's network of buoys that collect water quality data. The resulting real-time data is available on the website, by phone, or via mobile apps. Click on the logo below to go to the website.

Because I have been interested in methods for measuring water turbidity, I was especially interested in the section of the website dealing with this topic. Click on the picture below to learn more about how citizens get involved in "wade-ins" and about Bernie's sneaker index.

Chain Bridge Field Trip, Oct. 20, 2012